Performance Sport & Spine

I’ve recommended to my friends and family in the DC Metroplex by Kim B.

When I first came to see Dr. Busch, I had an injury to my left shoulder that ached so bad, it prevented me from doing upper-body exercises of any sorts. For someone whose career is health and fitness related, it was unacceptable. I had injured it over six months prior, stayed completely away from upper-body movements, trying to rest it. The pain got progressively worse to radiating to my fingertips. It prevented me from the ability to focus on my full-body fitness. I avoided using the arm, whenever possible. When I did, it would ache the following days. There were certain muscle-engaging techniques Dr. Busch showed me to strengthen the primary muscles used in my upper-body. He used pressure-point massage to release the knots in my shoulders. I am back to full-body workouts, including pull-ups, bicep curls, push-ups, etc. I’ve had friends and family in the DC Metroplex whom I’ve recommended for injuries. He is worth the drive!